Friday, July 06, 2007

A new crop of babies coming!

I've been busy with maternities lately - LOTS of maternities! These three couples are all due around the same time, and I can't wait to meet their little ones. There are two boys and three girls, can you guess who is expecting the girl and which two couples are expecting the girls?

They always tell you ultrasounds aren't foolproof. But for every customer I've worked with (so far!), the ultrasounds have been correct. I'm sure one of these days mom and dad will be surprised, but I don't think it happens often.

Best wishes to all three for a safe labor and delivery. I just can't wait to meet your little ones!


Jennifer said...

oh wow, these are all beautiful! Looks like your going to have your hands full then!:)

Tanya said...

oh my gosh... can't wait to see the little ones!

Angela said...

That's great! Can't wait to see all the little babies!

Ellen said...

So cool! Those are going to be some CUTE babies!