Thursday, August 03, 2006

Where did the time go?

So it's already August. For Arizona residents, this means back to school. It's hard to believe that the summer has passed so quickly. Of course, "summer" in Arizona has nothing to do with the weather. Summer weather lasts until at least October. While the rest of the country is celebrating fall with orange and brown leaves, we'll just be getting around to celebrating days under 100 degrees!

It seems like just yesterday I was attending the Class of 2006 graduation ceremony for marvel High School. And just the day before that, I was seeing these students as freshmen. Time just flies by so fast. I am sure that every parent out there can understand this sentiment. Doesn't it seem like just yesterday that your child was a newborn? Taking his/her first steps? Saying his/her first words? Children grow so quickly, and one of the perks of doing children's photography is that I get to help parents preserve memories of those quick-passing stages.

Where did the summer go? It feels like I did so little, and yet the reality is I did quite a bit. Every summer vacation starts with grand plans, the feeling that we are going to accomplish great things with the weeks ahead of us. What did I do this summer? I traveled - to France, California, Payson. I rode my bicycle, getting in exercise even though it meant getting up at 5:30 each morning to beat the heat. I spent time with my children, took them swimming and to the library. I read lots of books and did a lot of scrapbooking. I shot my first wedding, and did a lot of photo sessions. So much and yet it feels like so little now that it's over.

School will start for my entire family on Monday. The new year is filled with anticipation and excitement. I think "this is the year that my students will all learn to speak perfect French! I will be the best teacher ever and I will change their lives!" That lasts until about September, when I inevitably realize that some students just don't want to learn French, and they don't really want their lives changed. But I will continue to do my best, showing up every morning with a smile and making them all feel welcome. I hope that all of your children have teachers who care for them and will love them as much as you do, and I wish you all the best of luck in whatever post-summer endeavors you have before you.

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