Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy 60th anniversary!

This past weekend I photographed a family reunion/60th wedding anniversary. For some reason I'm doing quite a few 60th anniversaries recently - not 50th, but 60th.

I have to say I'm happy to do these, as it is so inspiring to see these couples who have been through it all and 60 years later love each other more than other. My husband and I were rather dismayed to realize that every single wedding we've ever attended has ended up with the couple divorcing a couple of years down the road. That's a sad realization for us, as every one of those marriages started with love and hopes for the future only to end in sadness and disappointment. So I'm thrilled to photograph couples who have made it work, and someday I hope to be one of those couples celebrating 60 years of love and happiness.

So congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

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