Monday, February 19, 2007

I love a surprise!!!!

Yesterday was a first for me - I worked with a couple expecting their first child, and they did not know whether it was a boy or a girl! I've worked with many expectant couples, and this was the very first time that it was going to be a surprise on delivery day.

When I was pregnant with my second daughter, we considered the possibility of being surprised. But I guess we just aren't patient enough to wait 9 months...I caved in and had the ultrasound technician make a little video for us, typing in "boy" or "girl" and then not watching the video until we could all watch as a family. We liked knowing ahead of time that it was a girl - but a surprise would also have been fun.

Medical science has advanced so much that I sometimes wonder how previous generations made it through pregnancy. There was no way to check for a heartbeat or make sure that all was well early in the pregnancy - you just had to wait and see. No way to know that your baby had all the important parts, or was developing and healthy - just wait 9 months and find out in the delivery room. Some surprises probably weren't for the best - if a baby has medical issues, it's better to be prepared ahead of time. But the surprise of "it's a boy!" or "it's a girl!" - those are great surprises.

If I had to guess, I would say this baby is going to be a girl. I don't have any insider information - I'm just basing this on the fact that I seem to get a whole bunch of boys in for maternity & newborn sessions, and then a whole bunch of girls. I have just ended my run of boys, and started a new run of girls. So that's my guess...but don't hold me to it! I'll have to be patient, and I will say that I am looking forward to meeting this new little one and being surprised myself.

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